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For Educators Only

Cultural Values Profile: Assess Cultural Values – EDU


Cultural Values Profile: Assess Cultural Values – EDU

For Educators Only
$20 Per Additional Seat
1 Seat(s) Included

A comprehensive and enlightening analysis of an individual’s cultural values and how they compare to other’s values.

The Cultural Values Profile provides you with a core understanding of participants’ cultural value preferences and how those influence your participants’ approach to life and work. Personalized feedback report will outline their cultural value preferences and how these relate to different clusters of people globally and will provide them with tips for working and relating to those whose values differ.


Learning Objectives:

  • Discover their orientation on ten cultural values and their impact on how you live & work.
  • Gain insight on their cultural values compared to 10 different Global Clusters.


Your Participants Will Receive:

An invitation to complete the assessment and lifetime access to their personal feedback report.


Additional information about the Cultural Values Profile & Feedback Report:

The Cultural Values Profile provides mapping of a person’s preferences on 10 cultural values:

  • Individualism vs. Collectivism
  • Low vs. High Power Distance
  • Low vs. High Uncertainty Avoidance
  • Cooperative vs. Competitive
  • Short Term vs. Long Term
  • Direct vs. Indirect
  • Being vs. Doing
  • Universalism vs. Particularism
  • Non-Expressive vs. Expressive
  • Linear vs. Non-Linear


The Feedback Report includes:

  • Personal Preferences on the 10 cultural values
  • Cultural Clusters
  • Personal Action Plan
  • Tips for working with people with various cultural values


Language Availability:

  • The Cultural Values Profile & Feedback Report are available in English, Spanish, Japanese, Portuguese, Italian, Simplified Chinese, French, and German.

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